Monday, May 8, 2017

Before After [originally published as Avant Après] by Anne-Margot Ramstein and Matthias Aregul

More than just pairs or sequences of things that are related to each other by the passage of time, this book is an awe-inspiring collection of softly hued images that provide different levels of meaning to readers of all ages. The illustrations have a simple quality to them, but are much more sophisticated than they appear at first glance. Just when you think you have an idea of what's coming next, a surprising or humorous twist will keep you guessing.

This book was translated and published in the United States by Candlewick press in 2014, and received recognition by USBBY on their 2015 Outstanding International Books list.

Before After by Anne-Margot Ramstein and Matthias Aregul: United States: Candlewick Press, 2014. [9780763676216]

Avant Après by Anne-Margot Ramstein and Matthias Aregul. France: Albin Michel, 2013. [9782226250858]

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