Monday, May 22, 2017

Crvenkapa by Vuk Palibrk

Each page of this story resembles a framed picture, with matted images surrounded by black borders. Rudimentary drawings, using only black, white, and red tell the story in snippets. Close-ups are used sparingly to heighten the reader's anticipation.  

A note in the back of the book says, "[this book] does not require reading, but seeing and being engaged with it. . . . the essential components are there: playfulness, naivete, fear, cunning, and premeditated murder - set among the woods, and the twigs, and the rocks and plenty of bugs to chase and play with. Ladies and gents, engage your viewing sensors and proceed with caution. . ."

From the White Ravens 2016 catalog: "Graphic shapes and changing perspectives create a hide-and-seek game, which brings out the fairy tale's suspense and deviousness . . ."

Crvenkapa [Little Red Riding Hood] by Vuk Palibrk. Serbia: Komiko, 2014. [9788687919266]

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