Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Zachem? by Nikolai Popov

If you're looking for a book to teach people of all ages that you should never judge a book by its cover, look no further. The serene frog sitting on a rock in a beautiful green pasture on the cover of this book gives the false impression that a peaceful little story is contained within. Instead, a devastating territory dispute in which parties on both sides seem oblivious to the end result until it is far too late makes the reader poignantly pause to reflect upon the reason. Truly heartbreaking, yet alluring. Perhaps indispensable as a conversation starter.

Zachem? by Nikolai Popov. Russia: Ripol Classic Publishing House, 2010. [9785386021672]

Why? by Nikolai Popov. United States of America: NorthSouth Books, 1998. [9781558589964]


  1. Interesting! This one looks as though it is published in English under the title Why? and in Spanish as Por Que?

    1. Yes! In addition to the original Russian and English translations I note at the bottom of the blog entry, this book was also published in French, German, Japanese, and Spanish.
