Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Graduation Day by Piotr Parda

In honor of my daughter Amanda's graduation from eighth grade, I am pausing from posting the international books from my independent study to write about this 2017 nearly wordless release that I find particularly relevant today. 

I am positive that other people will have different interpretations for this book's meaning (that's why I really like it!) and offer you mine knowing that it is (of course) connected to and reflective of my own personal experiences.

Graduations are always filled with hope and inspiration, as they should be. This heartwarming tale also allows for contemplation of some of the less-than-perfect circumstances that are reality for the graduate. Most significantly, the school and its neighborhood are falling into disrepair and, in what we learn was a trend, the other students are not always kind to her. Despite all of that, she not only perseveres, but even finds a way to turn the unkind actions of her classmates into a beautiful act of kindness for her community.

Amanda: In high school and beyond, there are occasionally going to be challenges that you have little or no control over. Even when you work hard, treat others the way you would like to be treated, and follow a strong moral compass to the best of your ability, that doesn't guarantee that others will do the same or that things will work out the way that you want them to. When faced with those challenges, keep in mind that you *do* have the ability to decide how you will respond. Take a deep breath, give yourself the time that you need, stay true to yourself, and ask for help (and/or a hug) if you find either (or both) useful. Congratulations on your graduation day! I am so proud to be your mom!!

Graduation Day by Piotr Parda. United States of America: Ripple Grove Press, 2017. [9780991386673]

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