Saturday, June 10, 2017

L'Album d'Adele by Claude Ponti

This oversized book contains an eclectic collection of drawings that tell multiple stories. In just eight, two-page spreads, an astonishing number of characters are introduced. Some appear on just one page, and others are found throughout. The majority are not naturalistic, i.e. various iterations of a man's body with something other than a head on top (like a pear, a candle, or a feather) or a fish floating next to a cloud in the sky. Reminding me of a sticker album assembled by a young person, it begins in straight lines and ends as a hodgepodge, offering a lot to think about and/or discuss.

L'Album d'Adele [Adele's Album] by Claude Ponti. France: Gallimard Jeunesse, 2010. [9782070562978]

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