Sunday, June 18, 2017

Le Voleur de Poule by Beatrice Rodriguez

Don't assume that you know what's happening in this story from just the first few pages! Some chicken, a bear, and a bunny are enjoying a beautiful day when a fox pops out of the bushes and runs off with one of the chickens. What are his motives? Is the chicken in danger? Her friends sure think so, and they race after them to try to bring her back across the long and thin pages (16 cm tall x 26 cm wide) which are superbly suited to the plot. At times suspenseful, sweet, and silly, your heart will be racing, and your mind will keep guessing, right up to the very end.

Le Voleur de Poule [The Chicken Thief] by Beatrice Rodriguez. France: Editions Autrement, 2005. [9782746707146]

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