Friday, June 30, 2017

L'Uovo e La Gallina by Iela & Enzo Mari

Bold black, white, red, and yellow pictures show a chicken preparing to lay an egg, laying and sitting on the egg, watching the egg hatch, and nurturing its new baby chick. The story is simple, and the most fascinating part is when the pages alternate from what is happening outside of the egg to what is happening inside as the baby develops.

The back of the edition that I reviewed (copyright 1969) says "This is a book without words. The child applies the words. This technique was tested on groups of children in New York City who experienced the excitement of the modern way - the discovery approach. Iela and Enzo Mari are two artist-designers who have devoted much time to the field of visual education."

L'Uovo e La Gallina [The Chicken and the Egg] by Iela & Enzo Mari. Italy: Babalibri, 2004. [9788883620942]

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