Sunday, June 4, 2017

Mon Lion by Mandana Sadat

A compassionate lion reconsiders eating a tiny child and befriends him instead. They wander through the open woodlands, and after an exciting day, they take a moment to rest when the child is nearly attacked by another lion. The two lions fight, and the child's friend is victorious. He carries the child back to his village, and the villagers are so frightened that they throw spears at the lion. He runs away dejected, but falls asleep dreaming of being able to re-approach the village.

The final two pages of this book are humorous in a crafty way. While the lion dreams of proudly visiting the child in the village, the lioness and lion cubs are dreaming of animals to hunt. The child is having the most delightful and colorful dream of all, filled with all of the different animals that he met throughout the day, and centered on his lion licking him on the forehead like a domestic cat.

Mon Lion [My Lion] by Mandana Sadat. France: Autrement, 2007. [9782746707153]

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